Anger Management

Sometimes when I get annoyed, I’ll have to vent to someone to cool off.

Sometimes I go for a walk.

Sometimes it becomes that day’s blog post.

Eventually, it becomes clear that there is only one way to deal with it.

I handed in my notice today. At the end of June, I will be taking up a Network Manager post in a school much closer to home. It’s more responsibility, better pay, and less than 10 minutes drive from my house.

It’s hard to be angry on a day like today.

About The Angry Technician

The Angry Technician is an experienced IT professional in the UK education sector. Normally found in various states of annoyance on his blog. All views are those of his imaginary pet dog, Howard.

10 responses to “Anger Management”

  1. app-v guy says :

    Well done mate. We’ve all faught the neverending battle of idiotic users and management and sometimes getting out is the only way. Hope it works out as well for you as it did me.

  2. Ellira says :

    I think congratulations are in order! Hope your new job is more to your liking (even if it means fewer blogs posts ;)).

  3. Jon says :

    Hope your Tales from the new work place will be more wonderful and funny than ever! Good luck in your new Job!

  4. Sanguinor says :

    Gratz mate! Well done!

  5. Giles says :

    Nice one.

  6. Karl says :

    Many congratulations Matey! Hope all goes well.

  7. Jon says :

    Good to see you getting something you want but I do hope you will keep the blog going. You may need to rename it ” the not so angry technician”

  8. Nobody in particular says :

    Best of luck with the new job!

    As Jon has said, I’m sure we all hope that you keep this Blog going :-)

  9. Ray says :

    Please, please keep blogging. And finding things that make you angry (go looking for them if necessary) because if you don’t, my RSS feeds will be duller.

  10. Alex says :

    Perhaps Sky 1 should produce ‘I’m a Network Manager, Get Me Out of Here’.